You certainly don't need to look far ahead to find it in massive amounts. Quite often I find myself by the computer in a search for some kind of kick. That sounds weird, doesn't it? There's no need to worry though, the kick I am writing about is a mere state of being filled with joy, energy and the aspiration to really create something -just for the fun of it.
I guess you could call it a hobby of mine; to scan through the world of the internet to discover new rabbit holes and jump into them headfirst. I love the journey that introduces me to new artists and methods, facts or tips that widens my own look at things; words that are combined in such harmony they make you believe they are actually moving freely like a river, or how an artist with only a few simple lines can make a character come alive as it actually breathed.
Recently an artist I am very fond of introduced me to a place where all kinds of brilliant people welcomed us outsiders to get a glimpse of how their workspace looks like. Perhaps it sounds odd to you, but for me it is so inspiring to see the difference in each persons way of decorating their own place, what makes them motivated and really where, the magic they are making, happens. Some may be surrounded by loads of stuff but still choose to call it their own "creative chaos" (I adore that expression!), whilst other need clean spaces around them in order for their brain to be able to work correctly.
What I truly realise while browsing and discovering, is the importance of there being no "right" nor "wrong" way to make art. It's the ability to experiment and dare to challenge yourself that enables you to grow, hopefully you will also enjoy, if not the whole process, the feeling you experience after reaching the finish line. But remember; it's first when you've truly been below the surface that you know how fresh air really feels like.
Oh man, I sure do sound like a wiseacre, don't I?
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